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Not so modern?

Introduction This section will explore how the ancients made significant advances in their knowledge of the natural world, astronomy, the...

Wordy Weekly IV

One Latin, one Greek again this week. We start with buckle. i) BUCKLE – this word’s linguistic journey from Latin is an interesting...

Find out More!

What is Classics? History It is probably the Greeks and Romans that first comes to mind when one hears the term Ancient History. They are...

Wordy Weekly III

Two for the price of 1 today! i) Anhydrous - containing no water. The term comes from Greek, as do a lot of our science terms in English....

Wordy Weekly II

(Picture taken in the gorgeous National Archaeological Museum in Athens - do go! Visit the beautiful website at:...

Wordy Weekly 1

Salvete, omnes! Here is the first entry in the Wordy Weekly section of the blog. Today, we begin with a hybrid word, which is half Latin,...

Why Study Classics

Although rather embarrassing to admit now, the story of Jason and the Argonauts, played out on screen amidst the monsters of the great...

Blog: Blog2
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